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                                                   Words Rule the Roost From Which You Sit 

It seems, that the primary human response to Reality is - "Huh?". There is always something to figure out, to understand, in order to feel at peace, which, if found, is rarely long lasting. Human history has responded with a zeal of want in respect to this eternal "Huh?" The ability to render into existence all manner of contraptions that aid in the species survival to a point where one man can attain enough wealth that it would take him 3,000 years to spend at the average citizen's rate, is no less than astonishing, and no more than disturbing.  

Our species has flourished incredibly. We have adapted, invented, and thought our way around many hurdles. This is due to the capacity for conceptual thought. People build solutions to problems in their heads. They also invent problems that need solutions. This is the result of  the evolved faculty of language. We point to a fruit, and call it an apple. We can then communicate with others about this apple, and real, or imagined other apples. We can plan crops, storage, and recipes for pie. This is all due to our use of words. 

A great deal of the usual awareness of a person's world view is based on what is communicated to them. People have read reports of injustice, and threats to their surival, leading to war that were untrue. The reports were made to stir up feelings of conflict. This isn't an isolated case. It is the currency of our current civilization. Fear, sorrow, and anger sweep across continents, all based in a kind of hysteria, spread by the use of words. Power and Control are wired into most people's motivation as they engage this 'made-by-language-whacky-life', trying to survive. 

Back in the old days, before modern science became the authority about Reality, Religion ruled the roost in explaining what made up life, and what makes something live, and die. 

Religion is the original response to the fundamental 'Huh?' - What is Reality? Questions comprise this - What are we? How did we come to be? What is making this all happen? Religions offer comfort about death and difficulties. Stories of Heaven and good behavior yielding rewards of eternal happiness, give meaning and structure to life. The word 'God', was the obvious reply to a fundamental "huh?" when lightening was heard, or the rains fell, before Science walked the world. 

The attention of most people doesn't zero in on questions of the Big Picture, with an 'afterlife', or lofty ideals. Their "Huh?" focus is how to live right now. Enter, Science, making life easier, producing more ways to satisfy the wants that life gives. Science has explained a lot, yet, satisfaction is still out-paced by desire, resulting in more suffering, and dissatisfaction needing another scientific solution. Science has not explained what Reality and Life are. 

Arms akimbo, people stand under the flag of science, which gives them security in their understanding of Reality. Yet, the greatest minds have yet to unravel this fundmental knot, of what Reality is made of. 

Quantum mechanics is a scientific subject. It deals with the frontiers of the edge of the physical world. Neils Bohr, a famous physicist, said, in 1952, "Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet." 

This is the point where Science and Religion go in lockstep. The concept is mind bending. It should be a fine line but when you dig into the ideas of what is beyond what you see, hear, feel, taste, to consider subtler energies, that we don't tangibly experience, a rocky unnavigable shore line is found buried in a dense fog. Next thing you find are ghost stories, and imaginations of fancy, that have nothing to do with Reality. These should all be laughable. But, claims that Reality is somehow magical affects feelings, thoughts, and behavior. Poor decisions, delusion and even madness lurk under bridges of the soul's journey into The Beyond, trying to understand Reality.  

The first response that people have to any "Huh?" is, "Me", the orientation of awareness into an "I". "I am" is the first thing that people know about Reality. The "I" itself teeters on the fulcrum of what is known and unknown. This begets the notion of what is Knowable and what is Unknowable. It might not bend rationale that much to concede Unknowable does exist. When it is considered that thousands of years of billions of thinking people, some of whom, are brilliant beyond belief, and still questions of what the "I" is, aren't answered, gives credence to the idea of throwing in the towel, and conceding to the notion there are parts of Reality that are Unknowable. 

What Is, is mostly Unknowable to the "I". The "I" is made up of reflections of sight, sound, taste, touch, and all the channels of perception. It is part of the brain construct. It is founded on Language, Words. These perceptics are parts, fragments, of What Is. The "I" associates as a fragment. It is stitched together by words. It exists in the world of what is Knowable. What is knowable is founded on a point of view, something to observse, and speak to. It is subject and object, which is the basis of language. Reality is not based on subject and object.    


"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" appear above the gates of hell. We aren't entering the gates of hell but, often, hope goes out often before understanding arruves, making it a dismal proposition, if not Hell itself. This is not something often grokked immediately. It forms the basis for the deepest meditations. It is a meditation on what is Eternal. It is the Eternal Subject, the Divine Person, to heed, and hold. 

People experience a separate existence. This keeps us from Nirvana. Nirvana is a state, it is eternal bliss, it is not dependent on anything to make it so. It is the One 'Allness'. It is felt as complete understanding, one with the universe. This begets the big head scratcher. You can learn about it. It looks good on paper. You may even experience amazing phenomena. Yet, the search for Nirvana hasn't been successful for most of the people that look for it. 

The reason it isn't perceived is due in large part to language. The way the world is perceived is founded on what we think we are. There is an "I", an individual, who is up and against the world. If we were to dissect this "I", removing the physical manifestation, we still have an "I". This is often referred to as the 'soul'. Some ideologies believe a person is essentially a 'soul person', an entity. The qualities of the 'soul' can be taken away, the identity, the history that makes it up. What is left, has always been there. It is formed from the whole cloth of awareness, consciousness. The quality of being, conscious, and aware, can't be reduced. The 'soul person', the "I", is a beingness that can be disassembled. When individuation is erased, what is Eternal is Being, Consciousness, and is felt as Love, exists.


Nirvana doesn't host individuals. It is a state of Non-Separateness. We contract the energies of consciousness into a separate self. This self suffers. This is the human condition. It is a condition that is mostly unknown as to why it is like that. 

'Life is suffering, and that is the effect of desire.' is the fundamental idea that the first man to attain Nirvana observed, and taught. His teaching has relieved an untold millions of suffered souls. His name was Gautama. He was the Buddha. He attained Nirvana through understanding. Most fundamental understanding is knowing what Reality truly Is. 

Scientists have broken down Reality to its smallest building blocks. But, when looked at closely these things, they don't make sense. They are viewed as things but act like energy, with inexplainable phenomena. Such as, the results of an experiment being different, with the only change in variable, is it was being observed. Reality is such that consciousness plays a major hand. 

When you look at an object, it appears there is nothing in between you and the object. Yet, air is composed of gas particles. These particles are energy. There is no empty space around you. It is a sea of energy. Reality is one big ball of energy, indivisible- One - And. Conscious. 

'Becoming one with everything' is how Nirvana is described. How does one  become with everything? Everything is already One thing. Nirvana is achieved when a person realizes that this already One is their basic nature. This becomes pretzel of logic. It is hard to figure because a person feels they need to have their individuated awareness, known as "I" to continue to exist. Their thoughts and understanding come from words that aren't based in this Reality as One. Does this mean that you can't realize Nirvana as an individual? No, you need to understand that so much of you is already that One, which isn't a you. This becomes the Paradox to unravel. It doesn't happen by thinking thoughts.  

Adi Da Understands Reality perfectly

This is what he says about language

"Human bondage is unique in the Earth-“world” -- because human bondage is bondage to the language-based mind, and (in the Earth-“world”) the mode of language-based mind to which human beings are bound is (in its complexity, and its aspiration to generate a comprehensive facsimile of the entire “self”-structure and “world”-structure) unique to the human species of primate mammals. Bondage to the human mode of mind is bondage to the language-game that the human brain invents. Human beings are, in fact, merely animals- specifically, primate mammals, from the same general class of animals as the great apes. Nevertheless, the human species is associated with an extreme capability relative to complex and comprehensive language making, language exploitation, and language-based “self”- identification -- or attachment to a (“subjectively objectified”) “self”- idea (or a linguistically constructed ego-“I”). As a result, human beings are able to project themselves into a “world” of mere ideas (or brain-based mental constructs) -a virtual “world” of pseudo-Reality and pseudo-Truth. That virtual (or mind based) “world” is the fundamental source of human bondage". Adi Da Samraj; Gnosticon, Page 700, Paragraph 2.

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