Where Words Dissolve
Happiness Begins
On the road to Nirvana
The Premise of this Consideration
This is a new look at the oldest unanswered questions about God, the human condition, and the Nature of the Universe. It brings into view concepts of both the religious, and scientific, giving a unique perch of understanding. The purpose is to map out a way, or ways, to Liberation. Hopefully, alleviating the suffering, and limitations of human existence.
Defining terms is vital in rendering understanding. God, in this school of thought, is not a Universal Creator, or, Parental Deity. There is no entity called God. There is a Divine Condition. It is universally observed that there is a presence, something felt, that cannot be measured. This presence appears to be aware. And when felt, it is common to feel a peace, and unlimited understanding. One way to define the Divine is, Prime Mover, Unmoved, never born, never dying. Both, the structure of the house, and, the air moving within it.
This school of thought doesn't rely on any texts as the basis of understanding. Understanding is the result of actual experience. This brings up questions of how experience happens, and how we happen. Knowledge of this is commonly under the auspice of Science. Yet, the nature of "I", and fundamental structure, isn't known very well. Science has not explained what makes life. There are many amazing details about what this 'Life' does, how to keep things alive, and how to turn live things into dead things. But, Science can not create the force that makes us alive.
The study of the human race has brought to the table many insights. This school takes notice of Alfred Korzybski. He brought into focus a few things of vital importance. He began a field of study called 'General Semantics'. It goes beyond the meaning of terms, and deals with how language works. The human race has flourished due to the function of language, and knowledge. People gain knowledge, store knowledge, and invent new knowledge. This is passed on over time. He proposed irrational thought, and the insanities, such as war, were the result of this apparatus of language, in thought and action, not functioning properly. This is important to note.
We perceive the world through our sense of sight, sound, taste, touch, and taste. The brain turns all the sensory information into a Reality. One person can't perceive much of Reality on their own. They need reports. They are taught language to receive them. The majority of language is 'Subject/Object', a point of view, and a point to view.
This is a critical part of this conveyance. Reality is One. There are no objects and others. This may sound insane, but, it is the basis of Taoism, Hinduism(s), and Hermeticism. How can this be? It is obvious there is a you, others, and things. This has been called an illusion. The term 'Dream World' has been spoken by holy men from different cultures since Day 1. Enlightenment is often described as 'waking up from a dream'. Understanding the nature of One, while living in a world of dualities, of self, and other, mind and body, life force and the physical universe is the goal.
I'm proposing that what is experienced is limited. There is a Real. The reality most people experience is only pat of the Real. Nirvana, Enlightenment, and all the Heavens exist right in front of your eyes. It is beyond sensory perception and can't be conceived. It is the subtlest of energies. It is the source of existence, and therefore you. You can realize this source, and be it. It is the One before you become an "I".